"Church’s teachings on sexuality are profoundly protective, not punitive" -- ++Cordileone

The Pillar has an interview with Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in which he gives a beautiful exposition of Church teaching regarding many of the difficult issues we face in society today. Would that we had such clarity from the Vatican!! Salvatore Cordileone is the Archbishop of San Francisco, without doubt the hub of homosexuality in the USA. He is someone I have had the privilege of meeting . He has to walk a difficult line, especially given the demographic he works within. One could see how, even if he were a silent administrator, he would be hated just because he represents the Catholic Church. When I met him, he explained that you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. In this interview he defends Church teaching providing some much needed clarity. I want to say "bravely defends" but, lets face it, this is just what all bishops should be doing. He says: "the Church’s teachings on sexuality are profoundly protective, not punitive. Just look at th...