
Showing posts with the label trickle down economics

Disagreeing with the Pope.

The last week has been full of analysis of Pope Francis' first Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudiem . As Jimmy Akin explained, an apostolic exhortation is a papal document that exhorts people to implement a particular aspect of the Church’s life and teaching. Its purpose is not to teach new doctrine, but to suggest how Church teachings and practices can be profitably applied today. Some apostolic exhortations are devoted to the pastoral challenges faced in particular parts of the world (Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas). Others are devoted to particular themes. Previous apostolic exhortations include: Paul VI’s Evangelii Nuntiandi (on evangelisation today) John Paul II’s Christifideles Laici (on the role of the laity) John Paul II’s Redemptoris Custos (on St. Joseph) Benedict XVI’s Sacramentum Caritatis (on the Eucharist) Benedict XVI’s Verbum Domini (on the Word of God). In terms of its importance, it is of a pastoral nature rather than a doctrinal or le...