
Showing posts with the label Caritas Westminster

New Director of Caritas Westminster

  The £80k PA role for Director of Caritas Westminster has been filled by Richard Harries, a former civil servant who, according to the CBEW spent many years working on criminal justice, voluntary sector and local government policy issues. One immediately has to wonder if he has not been very effective, based on the trajectory of government in all these areas! Richard fills the place of John Coleby who had been director for almost all of Caritas Westminster’s 11 years, until June this year. Richard has been tasked with expanding the reach of Caritas within the diocese of Westminster, and growing the impact of its services and the projects which it supports, as well as raising awareness of the underlying issues and socio-economic challenges facing those who live and work in the diocese. Makes you wonder what John was doing for 11 years! Caritas makes me nervous. It is an umbrella organisation for Catholic Charities. In Westminster it is the social outreach of the diocese. In Brentw...