
Showing posts with the label Obama

American Election Results 07/11/2012

I'm feeling very unsettled about the results of the American Presidential Election, which greeted me as I woke this morning. Four more years for President Barack Obama. Not surprising really; Americans like two-terms, in fact there have only been three one term presidents since World War II. The most recent one term president who lost his bid re-election was George H.W. Bush , a Republican who was beaten by Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992. I live in the UK but feel that the US Election is important as the USA is our strongest ally. What goes on there affects us in so many ways. It dictates where we might be called to go to war, what our society finds acceptable socially, how our economy does. One might say that the election could be summed up in one simple sentence: General Motors is still alive, Osama Bin Laden is dead. Barack has achieved these two things at least and they spoke to two essential areas of US political life. Domestic affluence and international defence...

Michelle Obama's Speech Could Cost the Democrat's Dear

I am reading a lot of comments on the internet from U.S. Democrat supporters who are shocked and bewildered by Michelle Obama's tacit endorsement for abortion. I am used to hearing, reading and listening to Republican rhetoric with regard to Obama's position on abortion, but it is really difficult to argue that Michelle Obama's speech does anything other than state bare-facedly that "My husband stands for promoting abortion". Her exact words in the context that only worsens the fact of what she said to my mind, were: "...he [my husband] believes that women are more than capable of making our own choices about our bodies and our health care. “That’s what my husband stands for.” Lifesite News have a report here . A couple of examples of the comments I've read regarding this: "My heart bleeds in thinking Obama is for abortion! My family is Democratic and never knew the Democratic's approve abortion. This makes me want to vomit." ...