
Showing posts with the label quails

Sunday Scripture: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

This is the third of my posts talking about the theology of the Sunday readings at Mass. This has been a most eventful week for me. Last Sunday was the anniversary of my daughter Ruth's tragic death, we were blessed with the gift of a new baby daughter last Friday, Mary Therese, and my mum went into hospital on Tuesday for an operation. I would appreciate it if you could remember us in your prayers! For these reason, I may not have the time to be as thorough as I would like this week, but I'll certainly do my best. This Sunday the theme for the readings could best be summed up as: The Bread of Heaven The readings are: First Reading: Exodus 16:2-4 Psalm: 77: 3-4, 23-25, 54; Response: v. 24 Second Reading: Ephesians 4: 17, 20-24 Gospel: John 6: 24-35 First, a little preliminary survey of each of the books. I will post the same, or similar prelims week on week, for each book as we encounter them. Exodus  is about freedom and covenant. The Greek word is ...