Eyewatering sums of money transferred from Vatican to Australia

The above graph posted by Edward Pentin shows the value and number of wire transfers from the Vatican to Australia 2014-2020 totalling AUS $2.3 billion (USD $1.7 billion) The Australian’s Dennis Shanahan reports on a discovery that the Vatican and associated entities - from 2014 - have transferred $2.3 billion to accounts in Australia that don't seem to be connected to either the church or the government. When Shanahan contacted senior church officials about the matter "they hadn't heard about it". The Australian Federal Police have been investigating the matter after it was discovered large amounts of money were being transferred from the Vatican to Australia around the time Cardinal George Pell was being accused. The amounts doubled every year from 2014, the year Cardinal Pell was appointed Vatican treasurer, reaching a peak in 2017 when Pell returned to Australia to face sexual abuse allegations. “Most of the time if you speak to senior church figures, they say ...