
Showing posts with the label Australia

Eyewatering sums of money transferred from Vatican to Australia

The above graph posted by Edward Pentin shows the value and number of wire transfers from the Vatican to Australia 2014-2020 totalling AUS $2.3 billion (USD $1.7 billion) The Australian’s Dennis Shanahan reports on a discovery that the Vatican and associated entities - from 2014 - have transferred $2.3 billion to accounts in Australia that don't seem to be connected to either the church or the government. When Shanahan contacted senior church officials about the matter "they hadn't heard about it".  The Australian Federal Police have been investigating the matter after it was discovered large amounts of money were being transferred from the Vatican to Australia around the time Cardinal George Pell was being accused. The amounts doubled every year from 2014, the year Cardinal Pell was appointed Vatican treasurer, reaching a peak in 2017 when Pell returned to Australia to face sexual abuse allegations. “Most of the time if you speak to senior church figures, they say ...

Australian Media "made Pell personify the sins of the Church"

For those who consider Cardinal Pell guilty as sentenced and wonder why some Catholics (quite a lot of Catholics) are sticking up for a convicted child abuser, it might be worth watching this report. Serious questions about Cardinal Pell's conviction are raised by Peta Credlin in Australia who notes the Cardinal's innovations to deal with abuse and the zero tolerance policies he himself put in place. She also articulates the fact that what made Pell hated was his adherence to orthodox Catholic teaching in an environment which is now rabidly anti-religious. Credlin says she has had to confront the reality that either the Church or the law is wrong in this instance...and it looks like the it's law because there is a very difference standard applied despite the fact that Catholic schools, hospitals and charities have undoubtedly done more good than harm. EWTN also aired the analysis below by John Macaulay, a former altar server for Cardinal Pell at the Cathedral...

Archbishop who gave closing homily at Sex Abuse Summit under investigation

Yesterday Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, spoke out about Cardinal Pell: The news of Cardinal George Pell’s conviction on historical child sexual abuse charges has shocked many across Australia and around the world, including the Catholic Bishops of Australia. The Bishops agree that everyone should be equal under the law, and we respect the Australian legal system. The same legal system that delivered the verdict will consider the appeal that the Cardinal’s legal team has lodged. Our hope, at all times, is that through this process, justice will be served. In the meantime, we pray for all those who have been abused and their loved ones, and we commit ourselves anew to doing everything possible to ensure that the Church is a safe place for all, especially the young and the vulnerable. This Archbishop delivered the homily at Mass closing the Meeting on “The Protection of Minors in the Church” pledging to make the ...

Australian Bishops doing their job!

As the vote regarding Same Sex "Marriage" approaches Down Under, the Catholic Bishops of Australia have issued a Pastoral Letter to all Catholics regarding the debate. A Pastoral Letter from the Catholic Bishops of Australia to all Australians on the ‘Same-sex Marriage’ Debate Respect for all At this time in history there is much discussion about the meaning of marriage. Some suggest that it is unjustly discriminatory not to allow people with same-sex attraction to marry someone of the same sex. Others believe that marriage is an institution uniting a man and a woman. We wish by this pastoral letter to engage with this debate, present the Church’s teaching to the faithful, and explain the position of the Catholic faithful to the wider community. The Catholic tradition teaches that every human being is a unique and irreplaceable person, created in the image of God and loved by Him. Because of this, every man, woman and child has great dignity and worth which can ne...

Cardinal Pell

A statement has been released by Cardinal Pell. It reads as follows: Tim Minchin's new song " Come Home (Cardinal Pell) " gives an indication of the level of public debate in Australia at present. If one has the stomach to read through the comments underneath, it is clear that commentators are completely uninterested in getting to the truth of the matter; they simply want to (metaphorically, I hope) flog Cardinal Pell and drag him publicly through a vicious, abusive mob. My journalist friend Ruari McCallion has looked into this in some detail and he points out that it doesn't matter how many times it is demonstrated that the Cardinal has already testified, several times, or that he actually set up the fund and protocol that compensates victims, it matters not a bit - they aren't interested. They want their victim, they want him publicly humiliated, and they want him now. The damage inflicted on the people who truly suffered and their interests are ...