The Development of Doctrine Twisted by Stephen Cottrell

If you've missed me, I have to apologise. I have started writing two essay sized blogs, one on the Magisterium and one on the pastoral teaching of the Church regarding SSA, and I've just kept researching and adding more information. Part of the problem is I find all this so interesting! I wanted to post quickly about the awful spectacle of the Church of England Synod last week. **THE FACE OF THE SYNOD** If this bloke (above) was looking for attention, he has certainly got it, most of the mainstream media has selected him as "the face of the synod". Everyone is saying that the Anglicans agreed to bless same sex marriage, but that is not in fact accurate. Despite the inaccuracy, I do think it is what the machinations ultimately will result in. For the sake of accuracy as much as anything else, this is the wording of the final controversial motion as amended: "That this Synod, recognising the commitment to learning and deep listening to God and to each other of the...