
Showing posts with the label Chicago Roadtrip

In Pursuit of Holiness in Chicago with Fr Ryan Brady

This is a picture of me outside Saint John Cantius Church in North Carpenter Street, Chicago with Fr. Ryan Brady. Brady has been ordained for just 2 years but that after discerning the priesthood for a long period of time. He joined the Seminary then left and worked in Catholic charities, before discerning the truth of his vocation and returning to finish his studies and was ordained on May 19th, 2021 at the 12:30 pm Mass celebrated by Cardinal Blase Cupich. His first Mass at St. Christina parish on the Southside took place on May 23rd, 2021.  We were introduced to Fr. Brady at another beautiful Chicago Church: St Mary of the Angels  and we were all struck by his charisma and also his knowledge and obvious love of Chicago, as well as, most importantly, the city's Catholic history and character. Something we had not really anticipated at all before arriving. Fr. Brady was one of a number of inspirational young priests we met. He demonstrated a deep knowledge and love of the pe...

Sweet Home Chicago

From left to right: Dr Gavin Ashenden (former chaplain to the Queen), Fr Ryan Brady, Katherine Bennett, Fr Chris Landfried and me at St Mary of the Angels, Chicago. I'm just back from a week in Chicago, Illinois, where I had been invited to speak about the faith to various parishes along with my Catholic Unscripted friends. It was a wonderful experience and I am so happy to say I made loads of amazing friends. I have long been a fan of the US which is somewhat unusual among Brits who tend to have quite a cynical attitude to the States...Come to think of it, Brits are like that about pretty much everyone! Anyway...More on the USA later. I just wanted to check in with you all and say hi. I haven't written much on the blog because I had two weeks away and then this week I had a talk at St Bede's Church in Clapham Park on Marriage so I had to write a good talk for them! (if you want me or any of us (or all of us) to come and speak at your parish send me a message on Twitter @s...