Developments in the Order of Malta

I haven't written much comment on the ongoing debacle with the Knight's of Malta, except to mention Cardinal Burke's appointment here . This is because there is a great job being done by a number of others in this regard. Edward Pentin has been particularly informative and if you are unfamiliar with the backstory, you may find this article very useful. A couple of days ago, The Catholic Herald reported the shocking news that a leaked report had concluded that Order of Malta projects distributed abortifacients. Yesterday, this appeared on the internet and this morning there is a barrage of posts following the news that the last previous Grand Master of the order, who had been told he could attend the election of the next Grand Master and was then told that he could not, had decided to go to the election in any case. Dr. Joseph Shaw sums the current situation up very well in this post which I duplicate below, and also includes a useful collection of links to va...