
Showing posts with the label Robert Nugent

Ancient Heretics were open about what they denied:

 An outstanding homily which reveals the problematic ideology being pushed by Pope Francis & his lackeys in the synod process. Fr Leon Pereira, a Dominican, speaks clearly and hits the mark about the ridiculous synody synod of synodality synods: Transcript: Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Fr Leon Pereira warns against an inauthentic kind of Christianity. In medieval art, the devil is anatomically challenged. He has no knees, because he does not want to kneel and adore God as he ought. And he has no genitals, because evil cannot give life or create—it can only deform a pre-existent thing. As a faithful Catholic, Tolkien follows this idea in his writings:  ‘The [devil] can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own’ . Modern popular culture has been impacted powerfully by such things as Tolkien’s writings and Star Wars. It is unsurprising that writers and producers might be tempted to mine these sources for further tales and entertainment. In this we see ...

Lay Men Determined to be Catholic

It was a great privilege to be asked by Robert Nugent onto his Youtube Channel Decrevi: Determined to be Catholic, for a chat. If you're a regular reader, you will have seen Robert featured in numerous posts. He lives in the West of Ireland and is orthodox and faithful with a real desire to share his love of the Church with others. Like myself, this brings him into conflict with the forces which are working against this. Increasingly these forces are as much internal as external. In this discussion, we get to talk about a lot of what is currently happening in the Church and what we, as lay Catholics can do about it. I'd love to know what you think about our discussion to so please do like, comment and subscribe to Robert's very interesting and useful channel.

Pope Francis: The Gaslighting Pope Attacking the Church

 This post follows on from the last one really, prompted by this: “Pope Francis on Saturday blasted Catholics who, hewing to old-school versions of liturgy like the Latin Mass, have made an ideological battleground of the issue, decrying what he described as devil-inspired divisiveness in the church,” reports @AP — Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin) May 9, 2022 When you have a Pope who ignores problems, promotes abusers, pushes problematic ideas which are at odds with the faith, AND THEN BLAMES TRADS FOR CAUSING DIVISION, you know you have serious, serious problems.  These comments are utterly indefensible, especially in the context of a huge push from progressive commentators and outlets to say the pope promotes homosexuality: Pope Francis to LGBT Catholics on feeling rejected: “I would have them recognize it not as ‘the rejection of the church,’ but instead of ‘people in the church’. “A ‘selective’ church, one of ‘pure blood’, is not Holy Mother Church, ...