Pope Francis Meets Pope Benedict
When was the last time this happened? Rome reports offers us this video of the historic meeting of Pope Francis with Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI which took place today at Castel Gandolfo at about 12.15 pm local time. Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office, said it was “a moment of profound communion”. We can see in the video Benedict offering the place of honour to Pope Francis when they arrive in the chapel. However, Francis responded “we are brothers” and wanted them to share the same kneeler—what a beautiful gesture! The two popes then went to the library where their private meeting began around 12:30pm. It is the place where popes usually receive important guests at Castel Gandolfo. Their meeting lasted 45 minutes. Pope Francis gave Benedict a beautiful icon known as Our Lady of Humility. You can see how ornate and beautiful it is—hopefully this will prove demonstrative that Pope Francis does understand the value of beautiful things. Benedict had...