For Sale...Remote Island...One previous Beatle Owner...
In which I wax lyrical about Murrisk, Clew Bay and all things Mayo, and tell you a story about my connection to John Lennon, The Beatles, and an uninhabited Island in the Atlantic ocean. Dorinish Dorinish (Irish: Deoirinis, pron: door-wrench) i s a place which is very close to my heart. It is an island in Clew Bay on the West coast of Ireland. Clew Bay has been immortalised in many a song and has featured on the television not infrequently as it is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful places in the world. Dotted with small islands, it is over-looked by the sentinel-like Croagh Patrick (Irish: Cruach Phadraig), the pyramidal mountain where St. Patrick stayed for forty days and nights in the fifth century. Siobhan & I climbing the Reek. My friend Siobhan Kelly at the oratory on top of Croagh Patrick after an exhausting climb. The tiny island is one of the most special places in my life as my uncles bought it from John Lennon (of all peo...