
Showing posts with the label BBC

Bishop Lodges Formal Complaint with BBC Scotland

Bishop John Keenan, Bishop of Paisley in Scotland is really stepping up to the mark lately thank God. Today I saw that he had published a letter sent to the Director of BBC Scotland, Donalda MacKinnon, outlining his concerns of the corporation’s treatment of Catholics in a recent short film titled ‘ Homophobia in 2018, Time for Love ’ which was posted all over social media. I even saw one of my old Confirmandi share it! The film, broadcast on the corporation’s digital platform, ‘ The Social ’, focuses on a gay person's perceived hatred--mostly people looking at him when he is kissing his boyfriend in a public place--and suggests Catholics are the root of the problem. The film contains detailed references to the teachings and liturgy of the Church with several deeply insulting and offensive representations, the video includes a clip in which the Sacrament of Holy Communion is described as something which ‘tastes like cardboard and smells like hate’. In his letter, dated 23 Apr...

Real Life Catholics on BBC TV defend Church Teaching on Contraception.

This morning on BBC TV Sunday Morning Live there was a good debate inspired by Melinda Gates (who identifies as Catholic) comments about the pope potentially changing doctrine on contraception. The Catholic contributors were Fr Paddy McCafferty, Clare Short and Obianuju Ekeocha. I think they did really well. Uju's direction is very interesting and easily wrong foots those who want to impose western ideas of morality on Africans in an imperialistic way. Interesting that the presenter agrees with her on this. Fr Paddy gave a great account of his experience as a priest. He was compassionate, realistic and honest, while upholding the value and importance of the doctrine. Clare said she had experience of both ways and the Catholic way is better by far. I thought that was awesome! I especially liked her focus on equality and bringing the responsibility of both husband & wife into the discussion. Watch out for the bit where the other lady says "Pope Francis has ind...

Social Engineering Ramps up in the approach to Christmas

Christmas is almost upon us, and it is notable the way in which the BBC seem to ramp up their campaign of social engineering at this time of year, with a lovely little Christmas advert/ skit with two grown men kissing see here . I can't help but see an attempt to normalise homosexuality in this, another little push at the boundaries. And many people will see nothing wrong in that I am sure. I'm sorry, I do see something (a lot) wrong in it, and I also see it as a part of a constant barrage of attacks on morality which confuses children and promotes promiscuity. Meanwhile, Caroline Farrow draws attention to the utter insanity which is being promoted as normal these days here . As she states, "a transgender woman has an entirely different anatomy to the common or garden woman; certain things are missing and others have needed to be rewired." This in the context of a new show on BBC 3, (BBC again you'll notice). This week on the BBC appears to be contracep...

BBC Panorama: The (not so) Secret Letters of Pope St. John Paul II

Just a quick word on BBC Panorama's Monday night programme which advertised itself thus: Pope John Paul II ruled the Catholic Church for 27 years until 2005. He was one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century, revered by millions and made a saint in record time. Now reporter Edward Stourton can offer a new perspective on the emotional life of this very public figure. Now it is hard not to consider that this is an attempt to besmirch the reputation of an extraordinary public figure. Certainly it hints at a hidden sexual agenda, and this was made even more clear by John Humphry's attempts to suggest to Alexander Lucie-Smith and Caroline Farrow, on BBC Radio 4's Today programme this morning, that it would be better if Priests weren't celibate at all after this Panorama. (By the way, I think Caroline & Fr. Lucie-Smith do a wonderful job of running rings around Humphrys, you can listen to the interview here , it takes place in the last ten minutes ...

BBC Bias on Abortion

Supporters of pro-life groups like SPUC stand up for unborn children in many ways. One of the great successes in recent years has been the witness given by pro-life groups across the country through peaceful vigil outside abortion clinics. Last night the BBC attacked ‪#‎prolife‬ pavement-counsellors. Watch this SPUC video for the true side of the story and then sign the petition against buffer-zones here .

The Pope's Revolution BBC Panorama

I watched BBC's Panorama programme last night entitled "The Pope's Revolution", initially, with great trepidation that it was going to be another misinformed critique of the Church and teaching which modernity seems determined to dismiss, irrespective that it constitutes a perspective focused purely on truth and imbued with the wisdom of generations. I actually found it rather good. It certainly gave a lot of interesting perspective regarding Pope Francis' background in Buenos Aires, with footage of his sister, who commented on how caring Pope Francis had always been toward the family, as well as some interesting insights from Rabbi Skorka. The information grounded the Pope in some socio-historic context for me. The dirty war in Argentina, the poverty of the Barrios and Communes of the city where Jorge Mario Bergoglio is far more than a man in a white suit on the TV, he is someone who has affected the lives of almost everyone Jane Corbin spoke to. All th...

Cardinal Martini- Don't Believe the Hype!

Cardinal Carlo Martini died last Friday aged 85. There has been much chatter about this and I thought I might chip in with my two penneth worth. I think it's terribly sad that the BBC chose to make their headline for the death of the renowned academic and biblical scholar: Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini has described the Roman Catholic Church as being "200 years behind" the times. I have to admit to being upset by this. I pre-judged the statement based on the reports, knew little about Martini, and saw scandal- which always disappoints me. Not because of discussion, or differing perspectives, which as any of fellow students of recent years will testify, I am a great advocate for, but because as Christians, we are a team and I think we have to present a broadly united front to the world, especially at this level. As I mentioned here , theology is not doctrine, and there is a time and a place for discussion. Surely this is especially important when you claim t...