Bishop Lodges Formal Complaint with BBC Scotland

Bishop John Keenan, Bishop of Paisley in Scotland is really stepping up to the mark lately thank God. Today I saw that he had published a letter sent to the Director of BBC Scotland, Donalda MacKinnon, outlining his concerns of the corporation’s treatment of Catholics in a recent short film titled ‘ Homophobia in 2018, Time for Love ’ which was posted all over social media. I even saw one of my old Confirmandi share it! The film, broadcast on the corporation’s digital platform, ‘ The Social ’, focuses on a gay person's perceived hatred--mostly people looking at him when he is kissing his boyfriend in a public place--and suggests Catholics are the root of the problem. The film contains detailed references to the teachings and liturgy of the Church with several deeply insulting and offensive representations, the video includes a clip in which the Sacrament of Holy Communion is described as something which ‘tastes like cardboard and smells like hate’. In his letter, dated 23 Apr...