The Obligatory Jimmy Savile Post...

I could certainly never be accused of being a worshipper at the altar of celebrity, I have always found it somewhat distasteful and tended to shy away from any opportunity to even brush with it in any of its guises or, indeed, with any of its priests and priestesses. Still, one man that I have met was Jimmy Savile. It was at a West End Hotel, for the annual Across Trust fund-raising event. Over the course of the evening I eventually bumped into Jim and had a brief chat with him. He wasn't hugely amiable, and this, though understandable, is a huge turn off for me. I tend to see it as hubris, and this is one reason why I steer well clear of anyone famous. However, in light of current revelations, I shudder for Savile if there is a shred of truth in any of the accusations ( Luke 17:2 ). My friend Caroline Farrow has some really important things to say about this: The torrent of indignation flying from high profile Catholics at the Telegraph,in the direction of the BBC fo...