
Showing posts with the label pluralism

Pope Francis: The Poison Oozes to the Surface

Larry Chapp, ex-seminarian and renowned, retired professor of theology for 20 years has written an excellent analysis of the papal comments in Singapore. He commences by endeavouring to interpret the Pope’s remarks within their rightful context, scrupulously resisting the allure of hyperbole, so as not to exacerbate the situation further than it already stands: "Before I proceed, however, a couple of caveats are in order. First, these remarks by the pope are clearly not in any way definitive teachings of the papal magisterium. Even if we judge them as imprudent and ambiguous, there is no need to throw accusations of formal heresy around. Let’s not invent crises where none exist. The remarks are problematical, but can also be dismissed as the mere incautious musings of a pope speaking off the cuff." I recognise the need for a caution which seeks to avoid any further undermining of a papacy which is doing enough of that all on its own, but how much "informal heresy" ...

Pope Francis Says That Jesus Doesn't Matter

Amazing Gospel this Sunday, wasn't it? Mark 8:27-35 Peter started to remonstrate with him. But, turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said to him, ‘Get behind me, Satan! Because the way you think is not God’s way but man’s.’ This came directly after Pope Francis told children in Singapore "All religions are paths to reach God". Tell that to the Incans or the Mayans Holy Father! The Vatican tried to nuance this by altering the Pope's words when they published a transcript, but given that it was recorded on video, and everyone was wise to it, they eventually changed it back (do they or the Pope have any credibility left to squander?). Obviously he (the Pope) was trying to avoid offending non Catholics but if you can't expect the Pope to talk about Jesus, what on earth do you expect him to talk about? If you believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that none can come to the Father except through Him (see Jn 14:6), how does it help t...

It walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, but it is the pope?

  I came across this on Twitter the other day and thought it was extraordinary on reflection. I'm from Buenos Aires so I've known all about him longer than most people. I tried to warn people that he was bad news nine years ago but people didn't want to listen. Now, here we are. — 🇦🇷 Daniella M Pavlick 🇺🇸 (@DMendoza1978) August 24, 2022 Back on the day when Pope Francis was elected, a lot of Catholics I know reported a feeling of dread, fear, or revulsion. On that day, Rorate Caeli posted this short article by an Argentine conservative only hours after his election. It seems incredible looking back that everything, every single word that man wrote was absolutely correct. The image is so appropriate on its own. How many times have we seen the Pope behave in this way since his election? It seeks to send a very public message of humility, but how can in not also transmit a message that all religions have equal validity? Faith and morals mean nothing to Bergoglio - he has...