Pope Francis: The Poison Oozes to the Surface

Larry Chapp, ex-seminarian and renowned, retired professor of theology for 20 years has written an excellent analysis of the papal comments in Singapore. He commences by endeavouring to interpret the Pope’s remarks within their rightful context, scrupulously resisting the allure of hyperbole, so as not to exacerbate the situation further than it already stands: "Before I proceed, however, a couple of caveats are in order. First, these remarks by the pope are clearly not in any way definitive teachings of the papal magisterium. Even if we judge them as imprudent and ambiguous, there is no need to throw accusations of formal heresy around. Let’s not invent crises where none exist. The remarks are problematical, but can also be dismissed as the mere incautious musings of a pope speaking off the cuff." I recognise the need for a caution which seeks to avoid any further undermining of a papacy which is doing enough of that all on its own, but how much "informal heresy" ...