
Showing posts with the label Father Paschal Uche

"Embarking on a Quest: In Dialogue with Father Paschal Uche and Mark Lambert"

Journeying through the depths of contemporary society, Father Paschal Uche and Mark Lambert engage in a riveting discourse exploring the intricacies of evangelization amidst a secular backdrop. Their dialogue unfurls a tapestry of insights, illuminating the pressing need for a revitalized commitment to the transformative essence of the Gospel. With candor and conviction, they delve into the labyrinthine challenges faced by the Church in its mission, grappling with the specters of apathy and ennui that often cloak congregations. Together, they unveil the urgency of authentic exemplars of sanctity, those luminous beacons igniting fervor and faith amid the prevailing shadows. Their exchange resounds with a clarion call to confront head-on the encroaching secularization of faith, championing Christ as the sovereign nucleus of the Church's sacred vocation. Through their discourse, a resounding refrain emerges: a clarion call to rekindle the flames of evangelization, to walk hand in hand...