Join Young Prolifers in Paris March!

March for Life Paris, 2015 In January 2016, a British youth 'contingent' will attend the 11th March for Life in Paris, to represent UK pro-lifers and to show solidarity with the French pro-life movement. Because SPUC believes that those living in the UK (and young people in particular) should be part of pro-life marches in the UK and abroad, SPUC has arranged for this trip to take place and has also subsidised it. They want the young people of today to be the generation who abolish abortion and witness to the fact that the alienable right to life is not a belief which is the preserve of a few in society, it is a truth which should be upheld and promoted by all. Please join us in proudly marching for life in the streets of Paris in January 2016! We will be leaving London on Friday 22nd January from Westminster Cathedral, travelling by coach and ferry, and returning early on Monday morning - spending the entire weekend in Paris. The timings are as follows: Friday: 10am -...