
Showing posts with the label liturgy wars

Clearly, 'Catholic' Liturgy is currently in the most truly terrible hands.

Oxford scholar Fr. John Hunwicke has  picked up a huge mistake from Papal Preacher Raniero Cardinal Cantalamessa's Lenten preaching. Fr Hunwicke laments that during Lent or Easter, Cantalamessa should pursue polemical attacks on the Authentic Form of the Roman Rite. He states: "Clearly, for him and his like, there is no truce or surcease in their attacks on their fellow Catholics and upon Holy Tradition, even at the holiest times. But so be it.]" Fr Hunwicke continues: Cantalamessa, soon after the start of his 'Forth [sic] Lenten Sermon 2023', refers "the Traditio Apostolica of St Hippolytus". "We obtain a vision of the Mass that is certainly closer to the reformed one of today than to that of the centuries behind us. What happened? The answer is an awkward one which, however, we cannot avoid: clericalisation! In no other sphere was it more conspicuous than in the Liturgy." (1) Readers of this blog ... or even just of my last Friday's pos...

Pope Francis: ‘...making the liturgy a battleground’

In a week dominated by the Roe vs Wade debate in the US , which has placed Eucharistic coherence bishops firmly in the spotlight once again, did Pope Francis take the opportunity to re-emphasize the Church's strict prohibition on abortion? Of course not! Instead he decided to start attacking Traditionalist Catholics AGAIN . CNA reports [my own comments in square brackets here]: Pope Francis said Saturday that the liturgy should not be “a battleground” for “outdated issues.” [I mean - seriously? Who made it a battleground  by overturning a provision made by his (still living) predecessor? Who has constantly attacked "rigid" Catholics ?] “I emphasize again that the liturgical life, and the study of it, should lead to greater Church unity, not division. When the liturgical life is a bit like a banner of division, there is the stench of the devil in there, the deceiver,” Pope Francis [said] [I agree, but the division and the deceit comes from those who fail to recognise the...