
Showing posts with the label Cephas

Sts. Peter & Paul

Bouna Festa! I must apologise for my obvious mistake with my Sunday Scripture reflection this week, as Fr. Jeff called me yesterday to ask why I had posted for the thirteenth Sunday when the Catholic Church in the UK will be celebrated Sts. Peter and Paul, carried over from Saturday. Still, my non-UK readers would not have been confused whereas they would have been if I'd posted the correct readings. As I listened to the readings today I did feel a pang though, as I would like to have thought and studied a bit about these fascinating readings, especially the fantastic and miraculous story from Acts which formed the First Reading. Of course, the Gospel story today was the same as last week's, with the profession of Peter, albeit from Matthew's Gospel this week instead of Luke's. I did cover a bit of both last week  talking about the fact that Jesus called Peter "Rock" Cephas (Greek: Κηφᾶς) or Kepha (Hebrew: כיפא‎) both meaning the same thing. The Prote...