Msgr Grindr is Back!

Remember the scandal broken by The Pillar in July 2021 ? After being caught using the homosexual hook up app Grindr for casual sexual encounters, the Secretary of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops quietly resigned and disappeared. He suffered no sanction and no investigation. Now he is back, recently appointed to a parish in the diocese of LaCrosse in Wisconsin: What of accountability? What of repentance? Should Burrill's new parishioners just expect gay liaisons as a normal part of their priest's life? How will he approach marriage preparation? Would you trust him in the confessional with your son? The fact that they seem to think this is acceptable is beyond understanding! This is a man who will be responsible for the moral formation of hundreds of people. Has he no shame? Yes we all make mistakes, but to be a priest in such a high position while living a double life raises numerous important questions. It seems to say that the bishop is complicit to some degree, es...