
Showing posts with the label Tory Leadership

Tory Leadership Election

We are finally getting some progress and we can see perhaps, why Mssrs Gove and Johnson have been so quiet about plans for the future of our country since the momentous result of the EU Referendum a few days ago. What is clear is that it is the result of the leadership race which will determine what sort of Brexit we get (if any). Therefore I suggest that, in fact, it matters more than referendum itself. This morning, Michael Gove, the Justice Secretary has announced his candidacy. This despite saying that he was not going to stand. Theresa May announced that she would stand as well, shortly afterwards. Now Jeremy Hunt has announced he won't run and is backing May and Nicky Morgan is backing Gove. This is an interesting development! Boris & May don't get on since he was sacked in 2004 for having an affair with Spectator columnist Petronella Wyatt, resulting in two terminated pregnancies. May quickly came out in public and said the leader, Michael Howard, was righ...