Steve delivering his Speech at the Southend-on-Sea Catenian meeting last week. As I reported on the 28th of June , Southend-on-Sea Catenians were fortunate to be joined by Steve Webb, director of BCCS who gave a truly inspirational speech linking together the themes of community, BCCS and the Catenian Association. Steve has been good enough to provide a transcript of his speech in order that I can share his wisdom with my readers. So here it is—enjoy!! SOUTHEND ON SEA CATENIANS 27TH June 2013 COMMUNITY—BCCS—Catenians. Groucho Marx famously claimed that he did not want to be a member of a club that would have him as a member, but that has never been my feeling. I have always been happy to be a part of something where people have common interests and can share experiences. Right from day one I was a member of my family and that served me very well for many years. Family has to be at the heart of everything. When I was 11 I joined the scouts and I got a woggle, lot...