To Bury The Dead...

In which I use the word 'shocking' quite a lot. There's some truly shocking news floating round the internet about Liverpool diocese. Apparently, Archbishop Patrick Kelly formally commissioned 22 lay ministers to celebrate funeral ceremonies in an effort to relieve pressure on priests who sometimes must celebrate seven or more funeral Masses a week. The move was announced through a shockingly Protestant brochure entitled, “ Planning a Catholic Funeral ”, published recently by the archdiocese. The brochure described a funeral as the “community’s main celebration and prayer for the deceased”. “This could be a funeral Mass but … it may be a funeral service led by a lay funeral minister or a deacon,” it said. Shocking! Clearly a triumph for the phantom menace known as "the Spirit of Vatican II", the attempt to Protestantise all Catholic liturgy in the model served by Annibale Bugnini: “ We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic lit...