
Showing posts with the label Pelosi

Why Priests Don't Call the Pope Out

Pretty much every single priest I know thinks Pope Francis is an utter disaster. I am aware of a few who don't think that, or, at least, they don't openly say that he is a disaster. Instead they talk about how wonderful he is and promote him and his globalist objectives (#LaudatoSi and all that). You can easily recognise these priests because they are the ones who are either openly ambitious and place their ambition way above their belief in Christ and the Gospel, or they simply stopped bothering years ago and are trying to push the Church in a different direction, usually a direction which suits their own sin. The vast, vast majority I know are utterly devastated. They might discuss this with people they know and trust, but why not more openly? Why, if the Pope is so wrong, don't they actually come out and say so? Well, there's canon law for one thing. Canon 273 states: Clerics are bound by a special obligation to show reverence and obedience to the Supreme Pontiff and...