
Showing posts with the label Prime Minister

Jacob Rees-Mogg: Catholic Integrity & Intelligence

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg gave a wonderfully fearless, articulate and intelligent defence of his Catholic faith on national TV this morning. I couldn't help wonder when we last saw a bishop so brave and so articulate? It is all over the news today, with many commentators announcing it is his "Tim Farron moment". But should it be? Tim Farron failed to address questions about his Christian faith when asked, but Rees-Mogg is unequivocal and indeed makes Susanna Read and Piers Morgan look petty and bigoted in their attitudes towards the Catholic faith and their lack of understanding about politics and the political system. This is what we need more of, Rees-Mogg gives a great account of what true Liberalism means: being able to hold opposing ideas in tension without excluding them. He clearly draws a line between personal beliefs and Parliamentary policy, demonstrating his integrity. The obvious direction of travel in the interview is aimed at exposin...

The Obligatory Margaret Thatcher Post...

Margaret Thatcher RIP (1925-2013) I guess Margaret Thatcher's policies had a real effect on many people's lives in this country which is why she is loved and loathed in equal measure. At this time, when I despair at the bland mediocrity of all of our politicians, as they bicker over the middle ground, and concern themselves with appealing to as bland a sensibility as possible, I can't help but look back at her strong leadership and direction with some sense of nostalgia. I remember the excitement when she came into a power, part in no small measure, to the fact that she was a woman. There was great hope that she would change things; things which had been pretty awful as I remember, with candles due to blackouts and strikes that left the rubbish uncollected and the dead unburied. In a country that was sick of the power wrought over our lives by the Unions, the people voted en masse for change. And she did change things, in what I can't help but think of as a ...

Same Sex Marriage: Speaking Truth to Power

I was asked to draft a letter on behalf of the governors of our school to our local MP regarding the proposed re-definition of marriage. I took my inspiration from the letter Bishop Philip Egan wrote to David Cameron and the letter our priests wrote to the Telegraph , as well as the educational consequences spelt out by, among others Fr. Tim Finigan . Here is the text: David Amess MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Dear Mr. Amess We have decided that it is necessary and essential that we contact you as a governing body in order to express our deep concern and disquiet regarding the proposed re-definition of marriage by your party. It is our opinion that the proposals constitute a further erosion of the value and sanctity of the institution of marriage which will necessarily have repercussions for society. These repercussions do not seem to have been taken into consideration by the coalition government, neither do the legal ramifications. Whilst we understand t...