
Showing posts with the label Dr Joseph Shaw

Having a Difference of Opinion versus Breaking with the Pope

Ed Condon is a Catholic who's learned opinion I really value and often quote him on my blog. On September 14th he tweeted this: If someone tells you the only way to be authenticity Catholic is to break with the pope and the bishops, they are - at best - a Protestant. — Ed. Condon (@canonlawyered) September 14, 2019 I didn't get it. He does sometimes write subliminal Tweets, like this one: I love priests. I try to love all priests for the sacrifice they make for the faithful. But I’m really uncomfortable with the kind of priest who seems to spend most of his time online talking about sex and sexuality. It’s not healthy. — Ed. Condon (@canonlawyered) September 15, 2019 Which was clearly a response to Twitter going mad about Fr James Martin's latest trollage: Many #LGBT Catholics still feel unwelcome in their own church. But good news: More parishes are now trying to make LGBT Catholics feel at home. Here, one parishioner talks about the welcome that he, h...

Diagnosing Convert Neuroses

If I'm honest, most of the ageing Catholic congregation in my Parish would say "Crisis? What crisis?" with respect to the current situation in the Church. If I rattled off a few concerns, they would likely say "Where on earth are you getting all this information, it's all news to me!" Some, much smaller number might have read some stuff in The Catholic Herald , or one of the other Catholic news publications, but might not really grasp the seriousness of the problem we currently face. They like the smiley, friendly Pope and don't have any grasp of the obvious, numerous and atrocious theological problems with his writing . Although my own faith was gifted to me by my parents at birth, and my greatest Catholic role model was undoubtedly my Irish Grandmother, Mary, I would say that generally speaking, us cradle Catholics are pretty poor at practising our faith. It is more likely to be a cultural thing, something we were born with, some part of our i...

Who Will Save the Church? Roman Forum in Gardone Riviera, Italy

Religion overthrowing Heresy & Hatred, by the Baroque master Pierre Le Gros "the Younger" (1666-1719) from the tomb of St Ignatius Loyola at The Gesu in Rome. The almost amusing attempts to pretend that there's no problem with the Church at the moment I spoke about yesterday look even more ridiculous in the context of these two excellent interviews from The Remnant . Granted, The Remnant is not best known for balanced and impartial reporting, it unreservedly has a traditionalist perspective, but these interviews with laymen familiar to English Catholics are very well conducted, gentle and balanced. It is certainly my experience that we all appear much more partisan in print than we might actually be in real life. Actual conversations always reveal much more of a person that the printed word where you are trying to convey a message often influenced by your passion and commitment. As Chesterton said, "You cannot love a thing without wanting to defend it...