
Showing posts with the label Same Sex Blessings

Bishop of Speyer goes ahead with same sex blessings

  An utterly scandalous letter has been sent out from the Bishop of Speyer in Germany endorses blessing same sex couples. The letter includes a formalised rite which directly contradicts Pope Francis' responses to the dubia of the five cardinals which state : "it is not appropriate for a Diocese, a Bishops' Conference, or any other ecclesial structure to constantly and officially enable procedures or rituals for all kinds of matters, because not everything that "is part of a practical discernment in particular circumstances can be elevated to the level of a rule" as this "would lead to an intolerable casuistry" ( Amoris laetitia , 304). Canon law should not and cannot cover everything, nor should Episcopal Conferences with their varied documents and protocols claim to do so, as the life of the Church flows through many channels other than normative ones." Exactly as was stated at the time, these responsa are ridiculous and unworkable, Cardinal Zen...

Catholic Unscripted III — Blessings For Same Sex Couples

  In this episode we discuss Bishop Bonny's declaration that Pope Francis both knows about and supports the Flemish Bishop's published blessings for same sex couples. Please like, subscribe and share: