
Showing posts with the label CS Lewis

Discarding the library

  Another great take from Brian Holdsworth. In this video he asks some very important questions based on the vast wealth of knowledge available to Catholic Christians from the Magisterium: the teachings of the Church. The intellectual tradition, teaching & dogma of the Church is like a 2,000 year old library. No other institution has been thinking about thinking for as long as the Catholic Church. Why then, specifically with regard to the ridiculous "Synod on Synodality", would we seek to add detail before we understand the great wisdom we already hold? Synods historically are called to address heresy and controversy. The Church does not speak unless there is a challenge, she doesn't when it is not necessary: she lets the library speak for itself and invites us to study it. A Church that seeks to be synodal for no reason appears to be ignoring the content that exists and instead adding contemporary content.  What evidence is there that those seeking to add to the libr...

Stephen Fry's Hatred of God

Just a few thoughts on this. I am no fan of Stephen Fry although I recognise he is incredibly popular, and considered to be extremely intelligent and witty. If you haven't seen the context you can watch it here: The internet has been alive with this and the first good response I read was from Fr. Ed Tomlinson, who wrote this charitable and reasonable response, aimed directly at Fry. Fr. Ed articulates my immediate thought on the matter, which was why rail against something that doesn't exist? Counter-Cultural Father wrote what is perhaps a more satisfying response here , insofar as it is a little more critical of Fry's somewhat petulant approach to what is, after all, one of the oldest and most dealt with questions in theology. I think it is clear from both these responses that this is not a new question, indeed it is perhaps the oldest question, addressed by the oldest book in the Hebrew Scriptures (Job). Indeed I have addressed it numerous times here on my...