Drowning Idols
There is a new Catholic celebrity who has suddenly been thrust into the spotlight. Alexander Tschugguel, 25, also recently organized March for Life in Vienna. He has announced that he is the man who threw the idols into the Tiber. So many people seem to be so grateful to this brave young man. The internet is alight with praise and thanks for his actions. That seems a very natural reaction to me. Anyone who holds a sincere Catholic faith and is blessed with any small depth of Catholic understanding will necessarily have found the pagan idolatry at the Vatican over the Amazonian Synod very disturbing. The Catholic Church asks us to believe what it teaches, to hold Sacred Scripture as truth and to believe in the Trinity. And yet, apologists for this papacy, faced with clear and obvious worship of idols inside Roman Churches, and despite having their own allusions to these idols being representations of the Visitation overturned by Vatican officials , turn on the young Catholic...