
Showing posts with the label Jade Rees

Jade Rees Tragedy- Write to your MP!

Further to the reporting of the tragic case of Jade Rees I posted about yesterday here , there are important questions which need to be asked, as SPUC raise here . Under the 1967 Abortion Act, abortion is only supposed to be permitted when continuing the pregnancy would pose a greater risk to the mother’s mental or physical health, or when the baby has a disability. There are serious questions to answer for the doctors who approved Jade’s abortion papers. What was their justification for believing, “in good faith”, that abortion would pose a lesser risk to her health than the abortion which led to her suicide? SPUC has written to the coroner who gave a verdict of suicide in the case this week, asking him to take further action. All pro-life supporters are urged to write to their MPs and ask them to raise the case with the Secretary of State for Health. You can find out who your MP is here . If you are suffering after abortion, or know anyone who is, you can contact the Ab...

Victims of Abortion

Yesterday, the Daily Mail carried the truly heart-wrenching story of Jade Rees. Jade is yet another beautiful young woman who has taken her own life after suffering from post-abortion regret. For how much longer will the pro-abortion lobby will continue to insist that Post Abortion Stress Syndrome does not exist and abortion has no consequences? Abortion is sold as the solution to a difficult problem, but it is seldom acknowledged that it brings its own baggage and problems. SPUC recently reported how Josie Cunningham, a mother-of-three, publicly admitted that she regrets having an abortion, adding that it left her in "a vulnerable place" and in need of professional help ( see here for full story ) and now we have another tragedy on our hands as a result of abortion. Similarly, this news comes weeks after Marcus Webb was jailed in relation to the death of 15 year old, Ashli Blake, who jumped to her own death following an abortion:  see here . Similarly, it was a lit...