Modern Theological Opiates

The trend to universalism is one that is increasingly noticeable among Christians today. I find friends often comment to me when a brother Catenian dies for example, that the consensus in circulated emails is that "he is in heaven now". Similarly, Bishop Alan Williams has said things like this when offering funeral masses for priests who have died. Social media is awash with people make ontologically crazy assertions about their dead relatives having gained their "angel wings". Purgatory is never mentioned. Their is no need to pray for our dead, it is game over and they are in heaven when they die - end of. You may be thinking this is impossible but it is regularly and openly preached in a next door parish to me in Rayleigh . The Bishop of Brentwood seems to be absolutely fine with this. I found it interesting that this move to Universalism - the idea of universal reconciliation – that all humans will eventually receive salvation -- is as prevalent today in evangeli...