
Showing posts with the label Flame 2

Fr. Tim Radcliffe's Error Needs to be Corrected

You may recall some of the concern expressed about the legitimacy of having Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, a name synonymous with dissent from Catholic doctrine, headlining at the Flame Youth event. Fr. Radcliffe is a priest in good standing, but has publicly expressed some very dodgy ideas. Fr. Timothy used his address to the Divine Mercy Conference in Dublin as an opportunity to criticise the traditional Catholic understanding of the importance of teaching fellow sinners dogmatic and moral truths that safeguard the divine truths entrusted to the Church by God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Fr. Timothy's dissent was investigated on EWTN's Celtic Connections ? Fr. Timothy expressed the hope that Pope Francis will allow divorced and re-married Catholics to receive Holy Communion, despite this being a doctrinal contradiction? Fr. Timothy who is one of the celebrants of the controversial Soho Masses ? Fr. Timothy said of homosexuality: “How does all of ...

Authentic Youth Ministry

Since the Second Vatican Council many people have worked tirelessly to address the excesses of those who, driven by a strange and spurious agenda, have exploited its' arguably ambiguous language in order to downplay what they consider to be the ‘hard truths’ of our faith. As we know, there is one such battle going on between certain Cardinals, between those who say that it possible to change the teachings of Jesus Christ on Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried in the name of pastoral sensitivities, and those who say that it is impossible. If you read my blog at all, you will also know that my position is that, pastoral sensitivities not withstanding, the proposition to controvert the direct teaching of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew is an intractable position, capitulation of which will do indeterminable damage to the foundations of the faith and the Catholic claim to truth; it would constitute a tacit surrender to moral relativism and a denial of objective reali...

Serious Questions for CYMFed

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. ~ 3 Jn 4 If you're bringing your kids up in the faith, you know you are up against it. They are constantly bombarded with the prevalent secular agenda. They're frankly heroic if they can avoid or ignore or counter the temptations and ideology that surrounds them today. They are constantly told that "God is dead", that religion causes wars, that abortion, contraception, pornography are healthy and normal and freeing. Why then, would you want them exposed to speakers at variance with Church teaching at a Church organised event? Clare Short, over at Faith in our Families , draws attention to just this agenda at next year's Flame Congress. CYMFed (Catholic Youth Ministry Federation – England and Wales) are the organisers of Flame 2 which they describe as “…the largest National Catholic Youth event of 2015, taking place in the SSE Wembley Arena on Saturday 7th March 2015… The SSE W...


I've had a version of this email a couple of times now: Dear CYMFED supporter, Do you know about Fr. Timothy Radcliffe the radical homosexual activist which CYMFED is promoting at Flame 2, the youth event for thousands of young people in the UK? If not see here and also here . It is shocking what the organisers were thinking of when they put this event together, have they no shame? Please protest to CYMFED for promoting this filth to our young people. It appears James Preece has also received a version of it because he has blogged about it here . And I agree with the broader point he makes in his post: There are a hundred more worthwhile things you could do for young people than send them along to hear the usual nonsense from the same people who were failing to inspire them two decades ago. But I can't write a stark condemnation of an event for the reason requested in the email. First of all, I'm not particularly a CYMFED supporter. Certainly when my oldest so...