
Showing posts with the label Bishop

Lourdes: simply nowhere like it!

I cannot help but feel deeply moved by the very experience of being in Lourdes. This small town in the Pyrenean foothills has played an essential and dynamic role in my life and the life of the small family I have built to date. It is the place I met my beloved wife, Louise, the place where we first kissed, and where we have travelled to together many times since. For the last three years, since our oldest two boys have been old enough to follow in our footsteps and come with the diocese to spend the week in service to the elderly and handicapped, it has become the focal point for our annual gathering to mourn the loss of Ruth and to thank God for her life. It is difficult every year, I wish I could say that it gets easier...But it doesn't. I think we get better at dealing with the raw onslaught of annual emotion, the day when we face head on the stark reality of her absence. I am sure some people think "just get over it" after six years, but I do not feel the need...

From Our Own Correspondent in the Cathedral

On Tuesday, Brentwood Diocese' new shepherd, Alan Williams, was consecrated as bishop, and received the fullness of Holy Orders. After 34 years, Brentwood has a new bishop and this can only be a momentous event in the life of every Catholic who lives in Brentwood. Sadly, I could not attend, despite attempted bribery, repeated begging and even threats of physical violence. I was fortunate enough to have an inside track on events however, in the form of the pulchritudinous and erudite head girl from Brentwood Ursuline Catholic High School, Miss Amy Gander. She has written a brief summary of her experience on Tuesday exclusively for readers of De Omnibus Dubitandem Est: Our intrepid reporter selfied with retired Bishop Christopher Budd & Fr. John McGrath In his homily, Cardinal Vincent Nichols talked about aspects of being a Bishop, the roles one must fulfil to honour their appointment, and for me these perfectly summarised the day. First was commitment to prayer...

Prayer For A New Bishop

Prayer for a New Bishop Father, You have given us your Son, Jesus Christ, to teach, sanctify and govern Your people. You also gave us the gift of Your Holy Spirit so that we may forever remain one in Your name. We thank You for our past bishops who have served the Diocese of Brentwood. Father, we ask that You look with favor upon those in the Church, who will prayerfully select our new bishop. Give them a Spirit of wisdom and counsel that they may discern Your will. We ask in the name of your Son, that You bless our future bishop. Provide him with the gifts he will need to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ in our Diocese. Grant him the heart of Your Son, the heart of the Good Shepherd. Bestow upon him the zeal of St Paul in preaching the Gospel; the humility of St. John Vianney in ministering the sacraments; the compassion of St Vincent de Paul in serving those most in need; and the wisdom of St Augustine in teaching the doctrine of the church. We ask this through the interces...