A Cry From The Centre of the Church

Welcome to a new country... Dr Joseph Shaw draws our attention to this post in Patheos by Dr Greg Popcak. Popcak is a bit of a blast from the past for me, because I bought his book on Catholic Parenting when I first became a dad and found it revelatory and a great help. The article is a huge slap down of all those who are pretending that everything is great with Pope Francis' Pontificate, there is no confusion and no questions which need answering. It particularly addresses Deacon Bill Ditewig, who has said that lay people, like me, who are genuinely confused as to how some of Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia squares with the previous teaching of the Church are not worth considering. We wouldn’t know pastoral practice if it hit us in the face because, apparently, we are just children who have never put out into the deep, who cower in our cave of rules and rigorism. He argues that people who claim to be “confused” about what Pope Francis’ writings mean and how they square w...