Nafir Afzal Appointed Chair of CSSA

The CBEW website has the news that Nafir Afzal has been appointed as the Chair of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA). In terms of competence, one would have to say it would be difficult to find someone better qualified for this role. Afzal is a former Chief Crown Prosecutor, and is best known for tackling cases involving violence against women and the sexual exploitation of children; the New York Times called him "Britain’s go-to prosecutor" for these areas. Afzal is a practicing Muslim, served as the Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West England from 2011-2015 and chief executive of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners from 2016-2017. He has prosecuted numerous high profile criminal cases and consulted on legal matters in areas including violence against women and girls, child sexual abuse, and so-called “honour” killings. “Mr Afzal brings to this role the freshness and vast experience required in order to make the establishment of the CSSA a t...