Rome Under Pope Francis: A Climate of Fear
This really is a must watch presentation. The premier English-language Vatican journalist, Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register , offers a journalist’s objective evaluation of a climate of fear in Rome, the Synod on the Family, Amoris Laetitia , and the crisis in the Church during the reign of Pope Francis. Pope Francis has "a disregard for absolutes and traditional teaching" says the respected journalist. The Pope is fermenting schism, preaching politics, and concerned most with power, although he genuinely believes he is doing the best for the Church. Pentin here gives a factual catalogue of spurious interventions, manipulations, monitorings which continue to lead to a breakdown of trust in the Vatican where the behaviour is being reduced to that of a boarding school, to quote Cardinal Müller. Vatican officials have left or will soon leave as a result of the conditions, he has an account of one official who feels the Pope and the Bishops are "trying...