
Showing posts with the label ad limina

US Bishops will tell you what you can read

Dictatorships can be recognised by some obvious clues. Rigged elections; rule by decree; repression of political opponents; failing to abide by the rule of law procedures, censorship and cult of personality. Bishop Robert Barron is someone I have personally met. He reminds me of so many of the priests I knew as a young man, in a word, impressive. He is charismatic, intelligent, confident. He has a knack, a way of engaging people. He has used his many gifts to evangelise by engaging the culture and it works. His ministry has undoubtedly had a powerful effect on many, many people because he is able to explain Catholic doctrine in a sensible, reasonable way. This has drawn criticism on occasion . Last week, news broke that he believes the bishops should consider exercising their authority in the digital sphere: “just as John Paul II, in Ex Corde Ecclesiae , called for the bishops to exercise greater supervision of universities operating under the aegis of the Church.” “Ther...

Pope Francis Intensifies War With US Bishops

As if it could get any more shocking - this morning the fight between the Vatican & the US was ramped up to defcon 9 when the Papal Nuncio made the weird announcement that The Pope wants his magisterium of Evangelium Gaudium , Amoris Laetitia , Laudato si implemented. The trouble is, because of all his double-speak, no one has got any clue what that means! It's true that the vast majority of US bishops have completely ignored Chapter 8 and the Buenos Aires guidelines in their 'implementation' of Amoris laetitia. The same goes for the vast majority of bishops worldwide; maybe some signs that the Pope isn't happy with this situation. — Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) November 11, 2019 Also, what happened to synodality ???? It's fine for ze Germanz when they want gay priests and married women eucharist ministers - or whatever, but the bishops of the USA MUST TOW THE LINE ACCORDING TO THE Furer! I mean FRANCIS! This will go unrema...