Mongolian Madness

Pope Francis is just back from a most extraordinary visit to Mongolia a country with just 1,450 Catholics and where the Catholic Church has only had a sanctioned presence since 1992, after Mongolia shrugged off its Soviet-allied communist government and enshrined religious freedom in its constitution. I scratched my head. Was this some extravagant embodiment of Bergoglio's "going out to the peripheries" rhetoric or some geopolitical wrangling, given the proximity of both China and Russia to Mongolia? But things were about to get crazier - much, much crazier, as Robert Royal summed up in his recent article in The Catholic Thing : "In the past week or so, the pope has: praised “that great imperial Russia” for its noble culture and humanity (a remark later admitted to be “badly phrased”); lauded Genghis Khan’s blood-soaked empire for its religious tolerance and “ pax mongolica ” (40 million killed, give or take); encouraged Chinese Christians to be good citizens of a na...