Ancient Heretics were open about what they denied:
An outstanding homily which reveals the problematic ideology being pushed by Pope Francis & his lackeys in the synod process. Fr Leon Pereira, a Dominican, speaks clearly and hits the mark about the ridiculous synody synod of synodality synods: Transcript: Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Fr Leon Pereira warns against an inauthentic kind of Christianity. In medieval art, the devil is anatomically challenged. He has no knees, because he does not want to kneel and adore God as he ought. And he has no genitals, because evil cannot give life or create—it can only deform a pre-existent thing. As a faithful Catholic, Tolkien follows this idea in his writings: ‘The [devil] can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own’ . Modern popular culture has been impacted powerfully by such things as Tolkien’s writings and Star Wars. It is unsurprising that writers and producers might be tempted to mine these sources for further tales and entertainment. In this we see ...