
Showing posts with the label Kermit Gosnell

Kermit Gosnell Trial

No idea what I'm talking about? Don't worry, you're not alone being in the dark on this one. Yesterday the long dead, infamous Renaissance preacher, Girolamo Savonarola (@FraSavonarola),  self acclaimed denouncer of the exploitation of the poor, tweeted a link to a most shocking story on Twitter: I was incredulous reading the gruesome details of the case. A man who routinely forced women who came to him into labor and then killed their babies. The specifics of the case are seven counts of first degree murder, where it is alleged live babies where born, and then executed with scissors by Gosnell. In addition, A pregnant refugee, Karnamaya Mongar, also died after being given too much anesthesia and pain medication during a 2009 abortion at his West Philadelphia clinic. There are so many things to be upset about this case, not least among them, the fact that if convicted, Gosnell will face the death penalty, a fact which will no doubt cause great discom...