The Odious Philpott Affair

Requiescant in pace I think I am always shocked by the amount of judgemental vitriol I see on the internet. Even in cases such as this awful debacle , the rush to condemn is quite shocking in its intensity, no matter how justified it may seem. And it could hardly seem more justified than in this, a case of parents who set a fire in their own home, whilst their children slept, in an attempt to frame an ex-lover for attempted murder. This is a tragedy and demonstrative of how far reasoning has come adrift in a large swathe of society from any objective idea of what constitutes wrong and right. But Osborne asking why tax payers subsidised Philpott's murder? The Daily Mail utilising the revulsion society inevitably and rightly feels at this case in order to incite some kind of class hatred by bracketing those on benefits with a man who had clearly lost all sight of any moral compass is truly unacceptable. Perhaps what struck me the most today was what of the childr...