An MP with Integrity?

On the 7th September, the Liberal Democrat MP for Brent, Sarah Teather, announced she would not be standing for Parliament in the next General Election. Sarah is a Catholic and has featured on my blog before because of her eloquent polemic against Same-Sex-Marriage which bravely flew in the face of the bigot label, since her track record is one of defending the rights of people with homosexual tendencies. I was initially disappointed, because I feel that we need more politicians like Sarah, not less. Rather than simply towing the party line on SSM, she voted, and argued, for what she believed to be right. Her arguments are intelligent and well reasoned, and can only add to a proper debate. I do not agree with her position on every issue; I believe she is a member of ACTA for example. She has also been part of a call for more contraception and sex education in response to higher rates of teenage pregnancies in some parts of the country. Whilst on the whole, I agre...