An Open Letter to New Ordinands

Great open posted Fr Simon Henry which confronts many of the fundamental issues in the Catholic Church today, see the full post here . Points that caught my own attention included: Please understand that we do not need you to be social workers. We need priests. We need sacramental grace. While Our Lord’s mercy is limitless, our faith instructs us that the individual who dies while in a state of mortal sin spends eternity in hell. As our spiritual fathers, you must do all that you can to help keep souls entrusted to you in a state of grace. Give us fully caffeinated Catholicism. Proclaim the faith unapologetically. The faithful need to hear the truth from you. From the ambo speak of the four last things: death, judgment, heaven and hell. Speak of the constant spiritual warfare present in our lives. Speak of Satan, the Prince of Lies. And speak of sin. The obligation to do so comes with your ordination. Accept this as you did your very calling to the priesthood. In a...