March4Life UK 2023 - Katherine Bennett

On Saturday, Katherine and I attended the March4Life in London along with thousands of others. This is her brilliant write up of the event: On Saturday I failed to hide my extreme, fringe, bigoted and dangerous view that *trigger warning* killing humans is wrong. I joined a group of other like-minded extremists who believe things like drinking water is vital, feet are for walking on, men can’t give birth and you don’t need a PhD to work this stuff out. Together we Marched for Life in London , a diverse crowd, unified by their recognition of, and commitment to, reality – including the reality that the birth canal isn’t a magical tunnel that turns a bunch of cells into a human being. What wasn’t clear was what unified the un-boundaried fantasy of the opposing voices. At one point a voice rose up from the throng of ghouls shouting “Whadda we want?” and was met with a chilly silence, before someone mumbled something about the Tories. After a dressing room huddle in which a Tim Burton ...