
Showing posts with the label Transgenderism

Pope tells Jesuits inclusivity, doctrinal evolution, synodality are crucial to Church

The Jesuit publication " La Civiltà Cattolica " has published a transcript of the dialogue between Pope Francis and the Jesuits of Portugal during the Pontiff's visit to Lisbon for WYD 2023. These meetings the Pope has with the failing dying and declining Jesuit order are always revealing and Pope Francis often gives us a clearer insight into the workings of his mind. Vatican News reports : "Throughout World Youth Day in Lisbon, the rallying cry for an all-embracing Church resonated powerfully with the words "Todos, todos" (Everyone, everyone), pronounced by Pope Francis as he stressed that the Church "has space for everyone". He emphasized the pivotal importance of creating a space for all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, within the Church. This message continued to echo through his exchange with the Jesuits of Portugal." "The Pope reiterated his call to embrace homosexual people within the Churc...

A Mother's Plea for Her Daughter

This eloquent, heart-felt message was sent to me from a dear friend, and is posted at her request. Dear Friends, This is an appeal and an invitation to join together in spiritual warfare against the dreadful evil which is transgender ideology - a demonic infestation which is destroying thousands of young people. Our times have been marked by terrible evils and attacks against the family, in particular attacks against motherhood and womanhood. We are all familiar with the sad trajectory; the rise of feminism with its demands for sexual 'freedom' for women, easier divorce laws, the accepted use of artificial means of contraception, IVF, and the horror of abortion also up to birth. Thankfully, as we know, many pro-life groups and movements have arisen to combat these attacks both through word, action and prayer. We are all familiar with the hugely successful 40 Days for Life Campaigns and the prayer vigils which have been instrumental in the closure of many abortuaries. Prayer a...

What Happens When the Police Lose Moral Reasoning?

  Caroline Farrow is a friend of mine. We usually have a few pints together after March4Life . She is U.K. & Ireland Campaign Director at CitizenGO . She was recently arrested and taken to a cell in a police station because for a Twitter spat and offensive memes on the internet posted by a third party. Caroline did not post them but, even if she had posted them, posting offensive cartoons shouldn’t be illegal and certainly shouldn't warrant arrest! This is an interview about the incident she has given to GB News: Rod Liddle has also written up the incident in The Sun . He explains: "What you have done is refuse to concede that a man who transitions into a woman IS a woman. As a consequence the Old Bill are on your case. They are on the side of the trans activists who have been harassing you. You are not allowed to say stuff like that, even if it is palpably true. The Government just announced that in future every burglary will be investigated by police . It is incredibl...

Clarity, Charity and Logic from Cardinal Müller

  The anonymous Cardinal Demos, in his recently circulated memo , pointed out the blatant heresy of Cardinal Hollerich and that that blatant heresy has gone without papal correction: Cardinal Hollerich rejects the Christian teaching on sexuality. The Papacy is silent. This is doubly significant because the Cardinal is explicitly heretical; he does not use code or hints. If the Cardinal were to continue without Roman correction, this would represent another deeper breakdown of discipline, with few (any?) precedents in history. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith must act and speak. Demos also points out the error of the German bishops and the silence of the Pope on this breach of unity, He expresses how the silence of the Pope is emphasised by contrasting it to his crack down on the Latin Mass. In the absence of any leadership from Rome, the scattered flock are lost and confused. No doubt, Demos is not the only one who is concerned, hence the international coalition of b...

Brentwood Caritas Website Update

Screenshot of the picture used to advertise Brentwood's  Caritas  website, which emphasises LGBT ideology & a strong link with children. (I have obscured the faces of the children for obvious reasons). It seems almost divine providence that, further to my last post , Cardinal Müller (former prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ) has given an interview  on the abuse crisis and its link to homosexuality in priesthood. In this interview he states: The LGBT ideology is based upon a false anthropology which denies God as the Creator. Since it is in principle atheistic or perhaps has only to do with a Christian concept of God at the margins, it has no place in Church documents. This is an example of the creeping influence of atheism in the Church, which has been responsible for the crisis of the Church for half a century. Unfortunately, it does not stop working in the minds of some shepherds who, in their naive belief of being modern, do no...

Cardinal Nichols Well Hidden Whispers on Transgenderism

The Daily Mail reports that, in a speech to London school leaders last month, Cardinal Vincent Nichols told an audience of head teachers that pupils may question their identity, but schools could not ignore the sex they were born into. According to the Mail he said children were not simply individuals who could do as they liked, but were part of a wider community that had ‘firm points of reference’. In his speech Cardinal Nichols – Chair of the Bishop's conference for England and Wales – appealed to a ‘common sense of humanity’ to counter a growing individualism in relationships, family life and sexuality. He said:  ‘At a time of great confusion about the rules of sexual behaviour, about exploitation and abuse in every part of society, some firm points of reference already built into our humanity at its best are of vital importance. 'In an age of fluidity, even in gender identity, and at a time when the response to “difference” is to become closed in a self...

Transgenderism In Schools: Guidance Needed

Following numerous posts on this blog and elsewhere regarding the scandal of the Catholic Education Service issuing guidelines for schools which carried a clear and blatantly anti-Catholic anthropology which they have admitted was copied directly from websites which support an LGBTQI lifestyle, a petition has been raised to ask for clear guidance from the bishops. Please consider adding your name to this! Caroline Farrow writes: A number of concerned Catholic parents all over the country have been writing to me, expressing their worry that their child's Catholic school is embracing transgenderism and adopting an approach of validating children's gender dysphoria. As well as being a potentially devastating approach for the individual children experiencing this, it's also affecting other children who are being co-opted into accepting that gender is fluid and forced to share changing rooms and facilities. A petition has been launched to encourage the bishops to issue ...

Gender Ideology will destroy human existence

One important point Cardinal Müller made in his interview which I failed to report on yesterday was this: Question: And yet many people would like to see the CDF being more of a defender of the faith, especially today. It’s almost as if there’s an absence of authority of defending the faith coming from the Vatican. What do you say to that? Answer: I always tried to avoid this impression. I gave many talks around the world. What I offered was this promotion of the faith and all the teaching, defending the faith, new questions of dogma and moral [questions], and especially the challenges of bioethics and all these big efforts, such as gender ideology, which will absolutely destroy the fundament of human existence, family and future. This speaks to one of my major concerns in all this. Instead of addressing really important problems like this, the hierarchy of the Church is embroiled in a bitter internal battle, which seems to largely be about power, which must seem largely uni...

The Price of Appeasement

Well I do hope the CES are proud of themselves! Any human being with any iota of common sense would be appalled at the treatment of Nigel and Sally Rowe the parents of a six-year-old boy who have removed him from his primary school after another child in his class began wearing a dress to school. The couple said under the school's bullying policy their son faced being disciplined for misidentifying the gender of the six-year-old pupil. They've been subjected to this sort of madness on television: "What gender are your children?" LGBT rights campaigner Jane Fae challenges parents who withdrew 6yo son from school with transgender child — Victoria Derbyshire (@VictoriaLIVE) September 11, 2017 And also from the likes of Stella Creasy and Anna Soubry. It is incredible to see MPs detracting and abusing an ordinary couple who just want the best for their child. So sad to hear parent teach their child to hate like this- hope th...

Catholics and the Culture Wars

There is a huge lack of engagement with the serious cultural issues society faces today from a Catholic perspective. As I blogged recently , engaging with these ideas and leading the way forward is the job of our bishops, however, apart from a tiny vocal minority, we hear only silence. This is once again true with respect to the recent Jacob Rees-Mogg interview . Both Bishop Egan Well done Jacob Rees-Mogg! Thank you so much for standing up for Catholics and clearly yet gently proclaiming the teaching of Christ. — Bishop Philip Egan (@BishopEgan) September 6, 2017 ...and Bishop Davies have spoken out supporting the Conservative MP's Catholic line on abortion and same sex marriage amid a storm of vitriol from all corners suggesting Catholics are not fit for public office. From everywhere else, Westminster and Southwark included, (so far) silence. Dan Hitchens found the most interesting dimension to JRM's public profession of faith – as with the rage against Tim Farro...