
Showing posts with the label Spes Salvi

Purgatory—Spes salvi facti sumus

Purgatory, have we forgotten about it? Is it something the Church made up to garner indulgences? Or is it, in fact, an expression of God's boundless love and desire to be united with the souls he has created? I've noticed quite a bit of internet chat over the last week or so around the idea that, post Vatican II, Purgatory and praying for the dead is no longer a part of Catholic prayer. I find this disconcerting I have to say, because I believe it is important that we pray for the dead and I certainly hope someone will pray for me when I am dead!! November is one of those times we get to reflect especially on those who have left us. Death is an unavoidable part of life, although modern society seems intent on ignoring and hiding it. Purgatory has always made sense to me in my bones, but its one of those teachings that are quite difficult to explain to non-Catholics. Interestingly, I think those who have not been taught a contradictory Protestant narrative find it easy t...