
Showing posts with the label Ralph Martin

Do most people go to Heaven or to Hell?

Ralph Martin makes some great points in this clip from a longer interview with Matt Fradd. What Ralph says here is BASIC CHRISTIAN TEACHING - it is extraordinary to see how far away we have come away from that basic message. The default situation of the human race is damnation: this is why we need to change our ways, this is why Jesus died on the Cross. God doesn't ignore or overlook our sin, He IS justice so for Him to do so would create an unresolvable paradox. Instead God has paid the price for our sin in Jesus Sacrifice, reconciling us to Him and opening a way to heaven.

A Church in Crisis - Dr Ralph Martin

Ralph Martin is a  highly respected academic and holds an STD from the Angelicum. He has published many books I have used in my own academic study. This talk must be listened to, it covers some really important topics. One of his most influential books is Will Many Be Saved . If you have drunk the Kool Aid of a generation of false prophets who have tried to tell us that there is no need to be worried about our salvation, we don't have to do anything and everyone is going to heaven no matter what, you need to acquaint yourself with Martin's work and what the Church HAS ALWAYS TAUGHT ON THIS SUBJECT! The watering down of the teachings of Jesus on these issues has led to a decimation of the Church's missionary work & a prevalence of universalism which is doing untold damage, as Martin puts it using biblical language: the wild boar has entered the vineyard and is rooting up the vines.

Respected Theologian speaks out on McCarrick

In the wake of the revelations about Cardinal McCarrick we are seeing a profusion of articles written from across the Church, suddenly acknowledging that the behaviour he has been exposed for is a reality and desperately trying to put it in to some kind of context. Some, like Robert Mickens, seek to use it as a political tool and throws mud at his political enemies: What is going to happen when one or more of the cardinal-darlings of traditionalist Catholics are credibly accused of sexual abuse or inappropriate sexual behavior? — Robert Mickens (@robinrome) July 31, 2018 The first responder to this tweet provides the perfect answer to my mind: Here is the thing Bobby. Those of us who accept the teaching of the Church, want it applied to everyone. We don’t care if the wicked are “on our side”. We want the wickedness dealt with. We want an end to the cover ups. — Pétrus (@MenAreLikeWine_) August 1, 2018 The notorious pro-homosexualist Jesuit priest, papal tailgater and pr...