Pope Francis Intensifies War With US Bishops

As if it could get any more shocking - this morning the fight between the Vatican & the US was ramped up to defcon 9 when the Papal Nuncio made the weird announcement that The Pope wants his magisterium of Evangelium Gaudium , Amoris Laetitia , Laudato si implemented. The trouble is, because of all his double-speak, no one has got any clue what that means! It's true that the vast majority of US bishops have completely ignored Chapter 8 and the Buenos Aires guidelines in their 'implementation' of Amoris laetitia. The same goes for the vast majority of bishops worldwide; maybe some signs that the Pope isn't happy with this situation. https://t.co/0PF7YErDIf — Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) November 11, 2019 Also, what happened to synodality ???? It's fine for ze Germanz when they want gay priests and married women eucharist ministers - or whatever, but the bishops of the USA MUST TOW THE LINE ACCORDING TO THE Furer! I mean FRANCIS! This will go unrema...