
Showing posts with the label Stoneyhurst

2024 Christian Leadership Formation programme

Are you in Lower Sixth Form or S5? Do you have a desire for public service? Learn how to draw on the treasures of the past to build a better future through the 2024 Christian Leadership Formation programme (CLF) offered by the Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst.  With residential sessions in Stonyhurst and London, sharpen your leadership potential through CLF's one-of-a-kind educational offering. Visit the NEW WEBSITE for CLF, to find out more, and follow the CLF's new Instagram account (@christianleadershipformation) for the latest updates.  CHC director Stefan Kaminski was interviewed on Radio Maria about the initiative this week: Please help spread the word about this important initiative!

Educating to be a Catholic in Contemporary Society.

Back in May I was part of a weekend seminar for educators and governors held at the Christian Heritage Centre at Stoneyhurst College. The venue really is outstanding and we had a particularly excellent collection of speakers delivering superb material. One of the speakers I was particularly excited to hear was the Rev Dr Stephen Morgan, Rector of  the University of St Joseph in Macao, who delivered a superb talk entitled Educating to be a Catholic in Contemporary Society. You can see us giggling at the back of the photo at the start of this blog. You might be interested in the text (although it lacks Stephen's witty ad libs and insights. I am happy to reproduce the full talk here with his permission. In the 1955 musical Oklahoma!, Gordon McCrae, playing the charcter Curly, sang a number entitled “All er nuthin’.” It contained this line repeatedly, “With me it’s all er nuthin’; it’s all er nuthin’ with me.” It’s a song sung by a man who objects to his girlfriend flirting. It’s a jo...