
Showing posts with the label Plagiarism

Fr. Rosica resigns from Smoke & Litigation

You may recall the scandal surrounding the strange priest Fr Thomas Rosica from February . Rosica has become notorious for threatening a blogger who dared to question his pro-homosexual agenda. Rosica has been on sabbatical since March for “several months of rest and renewal.” He has now announced he  has resigned as CEO of  Salt & Light  Smoke & Litigation Catholic Media Foundation almost four months after his massive plagiarism became public knowledge. When the scandal first broke, Rosica seemed both to apologise for copying the work of others and to blame interns and others for sending him the quotes without proper attribution. However, as the weeks wore on, it became clear that several of Rosica’s works, including newspaper columns, speeches, and books, were “patch written,” combining passages from several writers, sometimes with words omitted or moved around, which made detection more difficult. Some plagiarism dates back over 30 year...

CES document Plagiarises LGBT Lobbyists

The appalling Catholic Education Service document on homophobic bullying I blogged about here contains material directly lifted from Stonewall. Stonewall is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights lobby group in the United Kingdom. It is now the largest LGBT pressure group in Europe. It's sole purpose and agenda is to promote homosexuality, a lifestyle at odds with Catholic teaching. CES DOCUMENT STONEWALL This is hugely problematic. You can view the Stonewall website for yourself here and make the comparison - go to page 6 and you will see this is a direct lift CC Father does a good job of highlighting the inconsistencies in the language of the document here . Asks if there is some sort of link between the CES & Stonewall that we don't know about here . Notes the plagiarism here . And makes some important points about academic integrit...